英语 & 文学

作文, 创意写作, 文学 and Reading


The mission of the 英语 Department is to help prepare students to be “major” ready 通过有效地使用书面 & 并提供必要的口头交流 skills for students to be successful in their college career and beyond. 文献 classes we offer fulfill part of the Humanities requirement for the Associate in 艺术 & 理工科学位,以及潜在的选修课.

By studying 英语, 你 will learn to read closely and think critically. 你会 gain an appreciation of literature through exposure to a broad range of ideas and learning styles that will help 你 learn about 你rself as well as the world around 你.


The department offers a variety of specialty composition and literature courses for our students, reflecting our concern for student success and our awareness of the 学生群体的多样性. 从学习社区和混合课程 to literature and composition pilot studies, we offer a range of unique courses focusing on expository, research, creative, and work-related writing and American, British, 与世界文学

“I believe that reading and writing are the most nourishing forms of meditation anyone 到目前为止. By reading the writings of the most interesting minds in history, 我们用自己的心和他们的心冥想. 这对我来说是个奇迹.”




网赌正规真人实体在线平台’s 英语 composition courses will allow 你 to prepare for meaningful writing experiences throughout 你r education and in 你r career.

Our college-level composition courses—英语 101 and 102—provide 你 with a foundation 在基于资料的写作、论证和研究中. 这些课程是…的必修课 a variety of programs and degrees, including the general AA.

Our technical writing courses—英语 103, 235, 310, and 415—prepare 你 to write 在专业情况下. 这些课程是各种课程的必修课或首选课程 of programs and degrees, including some AAS degrees, BAS, and BSN degrees.

All of our composition courses feature small class sizes to allow for the increased teacher-to-student interaction needed to help students succeed.



文学与创意写作 courses are not just for 英语 majors--in fact, these courses are great places to learn about history, psychology, anthropology, sociology and philosophy, among other subjects--as well as to join with the greatest minds this world has to offer to explore the purpose and complexity of life.

"我是 a Spring 2023 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 graduate who also participated in 运行开始. 把几个 英语 classes has helped me to improve my own skills and understanding of the subject. As a tutor, I’ve seen my students’ skills and confidence grow as well. 来自 both sides, I’ve witnessed how the 英语 department does its best to encourage students 并帮助他们把工作做到最好. 作为导师直接与部门合作, I’ve been able to see how dedicated they are to helping ensure their students’ success 以及他们对学习的执着. "

Our literature courses will help 你 hone 你r analytical and close reading skills. 你会 explore influential texts from across the globe that have shaped and reflected 人类复杂的历史. From surveys of American, British, 与世界文学 to specialty courses such as LGBTQ Studies, Lord of the Rings, and Bible as 文学, 我们的文学课程适合每个人.

In our 创意写作 classes, learn how to tell 你自己的 stories and express powerful 思想来自诗歌的魔力. 加入我们热情的教师和其他学生 writers as 你 explore the greatest written works of the ages and learn to compose 你自己的.


Courses taught in 英语 and 文学 can serve as a foundation for many degrees 和/或职业.

  • 工作场所的写作

    Copywriter, technical writer, grant writer, content writer, digital content editor, 公关、博主和文案编辑.

  • 创意写作

    Screenwriter, novelist, poet, author, podcaster, nonfiction writer, and literary agent.

  • 新闻

    Reporter, public relations specialist, social media specialist, content marketer, blogger, publisher, editor, fact checker, and copy editor.

  • 法律 & 政治

    法律yer, government worker, public interest advocate, consultant, speechwriter, lobbyist, spokesperson, policy analyst, fundraiser, social worker, law clerk, judge, and legal 研究员.

  • 教育

    Elementary, middle, and high school teacher; college professor; writing center tutor and 导演; school and college administrator; career counselor; librarian; and archivist.

  • 业务

    Administrative assistant, customer service representative, public relations manager, sales representative, recruiter, business analyst, marketing manager, and advertising 导演.


Our department and faculty are very passionate about what we do and are constantly studying and reflecting on how to better serve our students while also remaining current 在我们的田地里. Explore below to see the wide array of research interests, specialties, and creative work our faculty is actively engaged in and to find out more about the many workshop offerings our department has for students throughout the year.

 课程: 英语写作和技术写作


课程: 创意写作, 英语作文和写作准备


课程: American 文学, 英语作文和写作准备


 课程: 英语作文与写作 for Health Professionals


课程: American 文学, 英语作文 and Intro to 文学


课程: 英语作文, Intro to 文学 and Writing Prep


课程: 英语作文和写作准备


课程: 英语作文, Intro to 文学 and LGBTQ Studies




课程: 英语作文和写作准备


课程: 英语作文


课程: 英语作文和写作准备


